Many people lose their teeth. You are not alone in worrying about your teeth. It is estimated that over 35 million Americans are missing their teeth. We can give you a smile that uses dental implants to make your dentures fit and feel like real teeth. We can also give you dental implant bridges and implant supported individual teeth. You may have seen ads promoting teeth in a day. We can do that for you in several ways. We can remove your teeth, place implants and deliver your teeth all on the same day. Later you would get a permanent fix to the teeth allowing you to have the smile and bite you miss so much. Most places charge you extreme prices in upwards of $70,000. We are nowhere close to those high prices. We offer you a free 2nd opinion to see your options and why we can give you quality at a reasonable rate. We also accept insurances to help pay for this. With dental implants your smile will feel better, function better and look better.